Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Is sulforaphane present in sauerkrut ???

estracted from


When we speak of sauerkraut, the finns are the experts who studied it the most. Here is the abstract of one the their chemical analysis of sauerkraut.
The formation of plant-derived biomolecules during sauerkraut fermentation was studied. Cabbage was fermented with a starter culture, and the results were compared to the results of spontaneous fermentation. The concentration of flavonoids and glucosinolates was analyzed by HPLC, and that of the glucosinolate breakdown products, by GC-MS. Of the 20 different flavonoids tested, only kaempferol was found (0.9 mg/ kg FW, fresh weight). The content of kaempferol remained constant in the cabbage fiber matrix over the fermentation process. The nitrite concentration was below the detection limit in both fermentations. The total glucosinolate content in the raw material was 3.71 micro mol/g DW, dry weight. Glucosinolates were totally decomposed in both fermentations during two weeks, and different types of breakdown products were formed. Isothiocyanates, indole-3-carbinol, goitrin, allyl cyanide, and nitriles were determined in the fermented cabbage. Isothiocyanates and allyl cyanide were the predominant breakdown products in both fermentations. [b]Sulforaphane nitrile and goitrin were found only in small quantities in the end products.(1)According to this study, glucosinolate - one of the element required to produce sulforaphane - is totally decomposed by the bacteria is about two weeks. Thus, the potential to produce sulforaphane from the glucosinolate is gone away. Furthermore, the analysis reveals that no sulphoraphane compound is present either. It seems that the bacteria decomposed the glucosinolate into other components such as allyl cyanide and indole-3 carbitol. The latter might influence cancer incidence focus on its ability to alter estrogen metabolism and other cellular effects. Results showed dose-related decreases in tumor susceptibility due to Indole-3-carbinol (inferred by decreases in aflatoxin-DNA binding). So sauerkraut is not that bad. HOwever a closer examination reveal that broccoli sprouts (raw) will produce sulforaphane by mechanical breakdown (the chewing action) when glucosinolate is mixed with the enzyme myrosinase. But it will also produce indole-3 carbitol as a metabolite. So we have more for the buck with broccoli sprout than with sauerkraut. Why eat sauerkraut though is broccoli sprouts are better. Simply to trick ou system. Think of your strategy as sport training. When muscles are constrained to the same exercise, they get used to it and the athlete reach a plateau. The trick in sport training is to bring variation in the training to induce favorable changes. It's the same thing in the case of cancer cells. By adding variation, cancer cells get a hard time to adapt and the regimen is more effective. Conclusion:-------------Mix organic sauerkraut and raw broccoli sprouts in your diet. You'll get different concentration of different compound and like sprot training get more favorable changes. The one you try to achieve is cancer cell arrest.

My friend mum's has diebetic problems and it has come to my concern if she is able to eat sauerkrut. Thus I did some more research on the net. It seems that sulforaphane is an anti diabetic agent which is also present in sauerkrut. However it is present in a bigger amount in broccoli sprouts. Further intensify my knowledge about good eating habbits and diets is to have more variations to our food and what I read from above adstract is a good idea. Serving sauerkrut together with broccoli sprouts to get the win win best of both world situations. It is like body building. We do not just build on one part of muscles but we do all kinds of things to build up muscles in all areas.


  1. I know auntie too. I watched her eating a few pieces. She cant stand the sour. She advises us not to eat too regularly. God bless auntie.

  2. In europe they eat sauerkrut together with meat and sausages. It is blend well with mash potato and eat. It taste better when mix with something. If just eat like this, for those people that has bad gastric problems is not good too. It may make the stomach too acidic. So it is good to mix with something to eat. I am trying to think of more recipes that we can mix sauerkrut into our chinese and asian food.
